When I first took to the Bible, verses like the one above are offensive to me. In an event that a friend once invited me, there was a mention of women needing to submit to their husbands. When he asked me what I thought about his church's event, I had to admit that I didn't like it. The command on submission just didn't sit well with my feminist upbringing.
I don't know what happened, but I just don't hold the same beliefs I had then. All I know is that the more you read on scripture, the more you will be saddened at how misrepresented God is to the world. Reading the whole scripture could truly make you understand the heart of God. He is not a killjoy. He definitely doesn't think women to be second-class citizens. Just think about the first witnesses of the resurrected Christ--women. In those times, women's testimonies do not hold up in court. If our God think lowly of women, would he have shown himself first to women--knowing that women's testimonies aren't taken seriously in that time? But instead, he chose to reveal his risen self first to women, when his very message hinged on his resurrection? If that isn't trust and huge belief in women, then I don't know what is.
Heart reversals are possible with God. :)
There are still so many things I'm ashamed to confess I haven't done for God. But I know, God is in control in my life. I maybe hardened in some areas, but I believe God is not done with me yet. He will soften those hardened parts when He sees fit, and at a perfect time according to His timeline, not mine. :)