i'm learning that "quiet time" is an essential thing to do by every person who wish to walk with the Lord.
have i developed my own "quiet time?"
the answer is a shameful, NO.
"quiet time" reminds me of the many occasions a yoga instructor tells participants to let go of all thoughts and just concentrate on one thing: deep breathing. quiet time is kinda like that. you let go of all your worries and other preoccupations and just focus on one thing: the presence of the Lord. when i was doing yoga, letting go of all my thoughts and just focused on my breathing was difficult. the same thing happens to me every time i attempt to do my version of the quiet time. all things just come rushing to my head. i couldn't quieten my mind. somehow, it conjures one image after another to the point of frustration. but eventually, with practice i learned to let go of my thoughts while doing yoga routines. i haven't perfected it, but at least i've shown improvements to the point that sometimes i could lose myself in yoga for more than 180 minutes. that's what i'm hoping to do with my quiet time.
but first things first, i have to really do it. find a specific time in my day and just dedicate those precious moments to the Lord. what's happening right now is simply erratic. i'd think and talk to the Lord almost everywhere; during trike ride, at the shower, at work etc.. i believe the Lord deserves more than that and the enemy will try its best to distract you from doing what's truly pleasing to the Lord. more than the enemy providing distractions, my main enemy is really just my thoughts. it keeps on thinking especially of possibilities. this is something that i have to work hard to let go as well. see, there are some rules that i've made up for myself. OK, not really rules but just liners or sometimes phrases that keeps one going. one of my favorites is "infinite possibilities". hearing these words open up to so many things. so you could understand why "quieting my mind" is something of a challenge for me. the idea of "infinite possibilities" is in some sense goes against the very concept of a "quiet mind", where you are simply at rest, thinking nothing but only the Lord. "Infinite possibilities" encourages the mind to be hopeful for there are countless things that could happen. that there are many alternatives and options available in life. yes, i still believe this but somehow my belief in it is slowly eroding and is replaced with this verse:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5)However smart i'd like to believe i am or pretend i am, i simply could not "OutTHINK" the Lord. being the sovereign God, He will always have the bigger piece of the puzzle. or more, all the pieces of the puzzle that I will never even have on my own. so yeah, it's probably high time to just let go of all those infinite possibilities and just trust in the Lord that things will work out the way He intended them to begin with.
if that isn't enough, perhaps this reminder could convince my stubborn mind to follow:
Jeremiah 9:23 This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches,