Saturday, April 6, 2013

stay on course

it's probably the greatest reminder i received last sunday. over the past few months i've struggled whether the decision to walk on this path is the wisest or the dumbest. prior to this decision, it didn't matter to me whether i go or skip church. but since june of last year, going to church has been a matter that demands front row seats. i feel guilty every time i skip it, especially knowing that i don't have a valid reason not to go. most often than not, it's usually a case of staying too late at night to devour on tv series or just plain avoidance of the heat outside. i'm generally an afternoon or an evening person. i'm at my most active during those times. there's also the doubt that shouts, 'there's really nothing to gain in going to church. forget eternity. all those eternal life talks are full of crap. you'd be dead. what do you care about the after life? who cares? you're DEAD.'
yeah, it's tempting to believe in this BIG LIE. but truth of the matter is, there nothing that a BIG God named Jesus cannot overcome. yes, we may be fallen, but the king of kings welcomes us anytime. He's actually just waiting for us to come. of course, the enemy is cunning and wise - he attacks us at our weakest, that sometimes we tend to believe. well friends, whatever wrong we may have done in the past - be assured that there is such a thing as forgiveness. there is No SIN so big that our Lord Jesus cannot forgive. like i said, when we fall - it's sometimes easier to just continue falling, and just be damn with it. hear some truth; yes, you may feel convicted, but do stay on course. continue to listen and hear the Word, especially when you feel the weakest.

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